Alpha Lambda chapter 35 in New York State was organized June 7, 1958 at Newton's Restaurant on Delaware Avenue, Buffalo by Gladys Meresereau, Pi State, Executive Secretary and members of Theta Chapter. After the Initiation of eleven Charter members, they enjoyed dinner and their first business meeting. Alpha Lambda, with many thanks t0 Theta and our charter members, was on the way to a vibrant future.
Members of Alpha Lambda have included a Pi State President, Pi State Secretary, Chairmanship and membership on various statewide Committees.
Activities in the early years include the establishment of a student loan fund for Buffalo State students, work with the Tonawanda Native Reservation and packing boxes for the Red Cross. Contributions to many charitable organizations have included Cerebral Palsy Association, Gateway, Buffalo State Hospital and local food pantries. A writing contest was offered to grades 5-8 in all areas schools. Twenty students each year received a monetary award for their winning entries. A "Writing Center Project" was created to assist and support classroom teachers with the creation of student writing centers. Mini grants have been awarded to classroom teachers who have creative and inspirational projects for their classroom. A cookbook was created and sold at regional and state meetings
Today Alpha Lambda continues to support future educators through our Grant-In-Aid annual award. The chapter has been a strong supporter of Haven House, a safe haven for mothers and children. Bags of books and activities have been created for parents attending classes and meetings at Child and Family Services.
Alpha Lambda continues to connect with the educational community through it's members and programs. The chapter is vibrant, energetic and growing as it enters it's sixty fifth year!